
Writing a professional resume is a daunting task for many, but engineers and technicians often encounter unique challenges that can make the process even more challenging. This blog post delves into three key reasons behind these difficulties. We will explore common personality traits among engineers, the struggle to accurately assess skills, and the importance of research in crafting an effective resume.

  1. The Engineer’s Mindset: Personality Types and Resume Writing

Engineers and technicians are known for their analytical and detail-oriented thinking, which, ironically, can hinder the resume-writing process. According to a study by Rieh and Danielson (2007) on the common personality types of engineers, individuals in technical fields often exhibit introverted and focused personality traits. While these qualities are advantageous in their professional roles, they might not align with the marketing and self-promotion needed in resume writing. Engineers may find it challenging to articulate their achievements, skills, and experiences in a compelling and concise manner.

Reference 1: Rieh, S. Y., & Danielson, D. R. (2007). Categorizing engineers’ information behaviors: A study of personality types. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58(13), 1894-1905.

  1. The Dunning-Kruger Effect: Self-Assessment Challenges

Writing a professional resume requires an honest evaluation of one’s skills and accomplishments. However, research on the Dunning-Kruger effect, as outlined by Kruger and Dunning (1999), suggests that individuals often struggle to accurately assess their own abilities. This cognitive bias leads people to overestimate their competence in various areas. Engineers and technicians, who tend to be highly skilled in their technical domains, may find it challenging to recognize and convey their unique skill sets on paper. This can result in either underrepresentation or overconfidence in their abilities, both of which can negatively impact their resumes.

Reference 2: Kruger, J., & Dunning, D. (1999). Unskilled and unaware of it: How difficulties in recognizing one’s own incompetence lead to inflated self-assessments. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 77(6), 1121-1134.

  1. The Importance of Research in Resume Writing

Research plays a crucial role in crafting an effective resume. Engineers and technicians need to understand the expectations of the industries and positions they’re applying for. They must align their skills, qualifications, and achievements with the specific job requirements. Research can also help in tailoring the resume to match the preferences of potential employers. According to a Harvard Business Review article by Llopis (2016), researching the company culture, industry trends, and the specific job role can help candidates create resumes that stand out and demonstrate their suitability for the position.

Reference 3: Llopis, G. (2016). 3 Ways to Show You’re the Right Candidate in a Job Interview. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from https://hbr.org/2016/11/3-ways-to-show-youre-the-right-candidate-in-a-job-interview


Crafting a professional resume can be a challenging endeavor for engineers and technicians. Their personality traits, self-assessment biases, and the need for thorough research can make the process even more difficult. However, by understanding these challenges and taking the time to address them, engineers and technicians can create compelling resumes that effectively highlight their skills and experiences, increasing their chances of landing the job opportunities they seek.



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